Dear friend of SAP,

Amidst the fast-evolving global conditions, all of us at SAP are focused on the health and wellbeing of our families, communities, colleagues, customers, partners and the many who make up SAP’s vibrant ecosystem. As we seek to take all necessary steps to keep our people safe and best support our customers, I want to provide you with information on our approach to reducing the spread of COVID-19, and how we will continue to support you during this unprecedented time.

Guidance to our Employees

As of this week, all of our employees who work in an SAP office in Australia and New Zealand are working from home until further notice. We have also made the decision to reassess all business-related domestic travel, which will be reviewed in line with government guidelines and individual business-critical customer requirements.

I want to assure you that SAP is absolutely here for you and your business, shifting ourselves to being primarily a digital team.

SAP’s own continuity plans have been enacted globally and locally to respond to the COVID-19 situation and provide guidance to our people. Changes to our travel and remote working policies have been in place since 27 February 2020, and have included the amplified enablement and utilisation of tools and technologies to deliver work remotely and without disruption.

SAP understands that your business operations are further impacted by the advice being provided by our Governments. Our people, with the support of my management team, will work with our customers to reassess working arrangements to minimise disruption to delivery and ensure continuity.

Our Support to You

Leaders across our business are engaged in heightened levels of business continuity planning to ensure the security of your business.

Our teams have developed and documented Business Continuity Plans to respond to disruptive incidents, such as COVID-19, whilst aiming to safeguard the health of our employees and minimise the impact on the delivery of services to you.

SAP infrastructure and cloud operations teams have also put measures in place for all SAP-owned and co-located data centres. You can find more information and real-time updates on our business continuity measures, here: SAP Letter to Customers Regarding Business Continuity. And globally, SAP has launched a series of free tools to support our customers and communities as we partner through this disruption.

Your SAP team will reach out to discuss your needs and the specific considerations relating to current engagements. Please let us know if there is additional support we might be able to provide, as well as if our people should be aware of any requirements you have put in place for your organisation.

For more than 30 years SAP has had the privilege of serving our customers here in Australia and New Zealand. We remain committed as ever to our partnership with you, and if there is anything further we can do to support you through these fast-moving and variable times, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Our thoughts are with those affected personally by the COVID-19 situation, as well as the many communities around the world facing extreme measures in the attempt to curb the spread.

I wish you, all in your organisation, your family and community, all the very best at this time.

Your sincerely,

Damien Bueno

President and Managing Director
SAP Australia and New Zealand