We each create and amass huge amounts of data daily – not just from the information we share and access on our smart devices, but in the billions of transactions and data movements that make our daily lives run seamlessly.

From paying bills online to accessing Netflix, every action we make digitally creates data that shapes an incredibly accurate portrait of who we are, what we do, and everything that drives us as people. On an enterprise level, we rely on data constantly to connect with one another, to predict trends and movements, allowing us to leverage those findings to continually improve on our back-end systems and processes.

With so much data to manage and leverage daily, organisations need a system that connects and analyses data in a way that generates real insights while facilitating cross-business collaboration and building an intelligent enterprise.

Single Platform, Dynamic Solution
By unifying all systems and processes on a connected platform, businesses can continually improve their processes in an infinite loop of Optimisation and Innovation – at SAP, we call it Business Technology Platform (BTP).

BTP is comprised of four pillars: Database and Data Management, Analytics, Application Development and Integration, and Intelligent Technologies. Combining these four elements, businesses create an ever-growing network of data and systems that helps refine operational processes, uncover efficiencies, and monitor every facet of the organisation.

The ability to accurately monitor and predict business processes can not only improve the way companies operate but safeguard them from unforeseeable crises. In my previous blog, I noted how SAP’s missions is to help organisations make sense of the immense data it produces and offer a dynamic solution that evolves with the business. Now more than ever are employee experience, process data, and intelligent technologies are critical.

As a result of COVID-19, we have seen a significant shift in the ways we work and interact with one another, which consequently is generating new data and reshaping business systems around the world. With a massive increase in people working remotely, business data and robust systems are vital to building resilience during times of uncertainty.

Building and retaining trust in the digital world will cause us to rethink and alter our behaviours and expectations as we can’t just “shake on it” anymore. We will need to remain connected, aligned, and in constant yet socially distanced communication. Agile results will become so much more relevant and part of everyday life.

Industry Insights Go Virtual
When there is a global state of fear and confusion, it can be challenging to find reliable resources for knowledge and information. Furthermore, conferences and public gatherings have been canceled for the foreseeable future – with many industry events shifting towards digital platforms, webinars, and online presentations.

SAP Business Technology Experience was a recent virtual event for businesses looking to thrive rather than simply survive during these difficult times. SAP Vice-President and Global Innovation Evangelist, Timo Elliott explained about the future of digital business and data analytics. He explored the important technology trends, challenges, and opportunities facing business and how to build resilience today.

Learn from key industry leaders, renowned analysts, and technology experts like broadcast technology journalist Johanna Botta who expressed their views and experiences of the latest business technology trends and customer experiences.

Chief Designer for SAP’s Innovation Center Networks & Chief Innovation Office, Martin Wezowski demonstrated how businesses can improve their digital transformation and improve agility to prepare for the future. As one of the most innovative minds in Germany – if not the world – he is passionate about crafting future outlooks, strategies, and products to help businesses become more intelligent, efficient, and innovative.

To learn more about how this event can help your business unlock the power of Business Technology Platform and data-driven insights – watch the replay.