SAP Belgie News Center

Ontdek hoe bedrijven significante bedrijfswaarde uit hun data halen

Young woman touching sensitive screen while selecting surface option.

Young woman touching sensitive screen while selecting surface option. Female standing at big display with advanced innovative device with infographics design elements. Person with futuristic technology

Ontdek hoe bedrijven significante bedrijfswaarde uit hun data halen

Ondernemingsdata bevatten enerzijds een schat aan informatie, maar tegelijkertijd liggen ze aan de basis van zoveel obstakels. Datalandschappen zijn vandaag zo complex geworden dat ze vaak nog moeilijk te beheren zijn. Niet alleen het enorme volume, maar ook de kwaliteit en de toepassing van de data dragen bij aan de complexiteit.

Daar waar sommige bedrijfsleiders vinden dat IT achterloopt in het creëren van meerwaarde, zijn er anderen die ondertussen de sprong naar het creëren van aanzienlijke meerwaarde met succes hebben gemaakt.  Tijdens onze Business Technology Experience Webinar eerder dit jaar kwamen zes bedrijven aan bod die een belangrijke meerwaarde uit hun data halen.

Lees hier hun verhaal.


1. Velux: get the whole picture thanks to connected Business Process and Experiences

Having a fully integrated business is key to delivering the right experiences and the most efficient business processes. And by integrating, I mean connecting system applications and data regardless of whether you hold data on premise, in the cloud or hybrid, which is exactly what Velux has done. They wanted to protect their on-premise data but gain an end-to-end data view to let business users access and draw insights more efficiently with less IT involvement.

The takeaway? By accessing self-service and reporting, Velux now has lightning fast flexibility, insight and speed.

2. Hartmann: confident Decisions for hospital supply chains

Having confidence to make decisions in the moment with trusted data and context through a holistic accurate view, is a game changer. Paul Hartmann AG, for example, a global manufacturer of medical supplies, tackled one their big challenges through better data integrity – ensuring hospital stock levels from different data sources across multiple hospital departments. Hartmann has been able to unify access and analyse data across multiple internal and external data sources to ensure medical providers always have the medical supplies they need.

The takeaway? When stock levels reach a minimum level, Hartmann’s system triggers automatic replenishment and anticipates demand based on data, driving down manual ordering by up to twenty percent.

3. German Government: innovation delivered in 24 hours to bring citizens home

Companies today have countless opportunities to drive data innovation – even in the current circumstances. Understanding data at scale helps you explore more innovative options, which is particularly valuable when the world becomes a different place in a matter of weeks. A great example is the COVID-19 crisis. As the pandemic spread, 42,000 German citizens found themselves stranded abroad.

The takeaway? In less than 24 hours, the German Government had created and delivered an innovative new app to register citizens abroad and get them home.

4. The Rainforest Connection: animal data + AI + old smartphones fight against chainsaws

Innovation doesn’t mean using the latest technology in isolation. It can come from new technology used in conjunction with older tech. The Rainforest Connection is using AI, IoT, predictive analytics, big data and old cell phones to fight illegal deforestation. Ninety percent of deforestation is illegal and it’s the second biggest contributor to global climate change.

The takeaway? By hanging old cell phones in trees and harnessing new technology, Rainforest Connection can listen to chain saws and catch loggers on the spot in their precise location. And predictive analytics can anticipate the location of illegal deforestation in advance just by listening to noises the animals are making in the rainforest.

5. San Francisco 49ers: smart catering

Likewise, organizations such as the San Francisco 49ers (a professional American football team) are using embedded analytics to make real time decisions around concessions and retail on game day in stadiums packed with thousands of fans.

6. Harris Logic: wellbeing of prisoners based on data

But it’s not just about internal connections and experiences.  Many organizations need to securely integrate with applications and systems externally. Harris Logic, for example, is transforming the mental health field through prison diversion programs based on data. The company works with multiple organizations delivering a single profile to clinicians.

The takeaway? By using data and predictive analytics to deliver the right experiences and drive better outcomes for vulnerable individuals, Harris is netted $30 million in savings and reduced prison costs by twenty five percent over five years.

If you want to hear more about how you turn data into value and have more details about these 6 business cases, then listen to the Business Technology Experience Webinar here.

I’m Nicolas Debeer, Sales Director and Head of Business Innovation & Enterprise Platform at SAP. Are you looking for a solid technological foundation of your digital innovation? Let’s share our experiences. Connect with me via email or via mobile +32 473 812028.

This blog also appears on the SAP Belgique News Center here.

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