
Employee Experience at the heart of HR – Podcast series – EPISODE 1

The new Forrester’s Employee Experience (EX) Index shows that EX is at a turning point. Those that become EX leaders will see major benefits for their employees, their customers and their bottom lines. An engaged workforce is an important driver of business success.

What about Belgian companies?

How do they approach Employee Experience?

In a series of podcasts and videos, set up by ZigZagHR and SAP, three Belgian organizations share their vision.  Are they strong believers of Employee Experience and why? How was their journey? Expect fascinating lessons learned, best practices, tips and tricks of precursors. A thought leading SAP expert closes the mini-series with his vision on the future for companies and how to get started.

Episode 1: Put Employee Experience at the heart of HR by Proximus

Employee Experience is not something you bring alone as HR team”

“Employee Experience goes beyond HR”

Just two significant quotes from the guests of the first interview: Jan Van Acoleyen, Chief Human Resources Officer & Valérie Vermeire, Director Strategic HR Solutions. They talk about their path toward a true digital workplace and their view on the employee experience journey. Why they needed to invest in it, how they rolled out their strategy, how important technology was to Proximus’ employee experience strategy.

Jan Van Acoleyen:

“Employee experience is really about something which you, as an employee, create together with an organization in terms of a unique, authentic type of experience which makes it really different to be there, to be an employee of that company and which finally ignites some, I would say motivation, inspiration, which results, transpires finally in a common shared sense of belonging but also in productivity, on an individual level.”

Valérie Vermeire:

“We were a lot talking about employee experience, but we were not really focused, and we dispersed our efforts. What we have done recently is that we have put employee experience really at the center of the strategy of HR and also engaging with our HR colleagues to bring that very high on the agenda, clearly setting the ambition.”

Discover the below insights and many more in the first video and podcast.

  • Know and feel it’s all about experiences today (and tomorrow).
  • Point out that – even when we concentrate on experience – productivity, efficiency and engagement still do matter. Never underestimate the importance of output, profitability, and excellence.
  • Disclose the ins and outs, and probably even all the secrets about the employee experience.

Watch the video, listen to the podcast and get inspired by the fascinating explanation – an astounding journey itself – of the employee experience and the role of technology.

Employee experience at the heart of HR (English) #53

Click the button below to load the content from YouTube.

Employee experience at the heart of HR (English) #53

If you want to learn more on how to close the employee gap, read the latest Forrester study ‘Close the Employee Gap’ or contact us to discuss new trends in HRM and, or exchange experiences about HR solutions.

Discover the other podcasts and videos of this series

« How to keep the agenda for digitalization on track? » by Daikin Europe.

« Employee Experience: authenticity is the key » by TVH Group

« Employee Experience: what do employees really want – 3 tips to find out » by SAP

Stay tuned!