SAP India News Center

Six Questions with Shweta Mohanty Roy, Head of HR, SAP India

Strategic HR planning

SAP India News recently had the opportunity to interact with Shweta Mohanty Roy, Head of HR, SAP India, on some of the important challenges facing HR departments and critical HR technologies shaping the ‘future of work’ in the country.

Excerpts from the conversation:

  1. How are your current HR tech systems and tools different from a year ago? Could you please share the latest HR tech updates in the organization?

 Over the past two years, there has been a tremendous evolution in workplace culture, and HR technology must stay updated with these changes. To address the evolving needs of the workforce, SAP recently announced the launch of an updated SAP SuccessFactors for its Human Experience Management (HXM) Suite. Our HXM offerings, which are an evolution of our Human Capital Management (HCM) solutions empower colleagues and employees to reach their full potential at work while strengthening the connection between HR and business operations, helping organizations create a sustainable workforce and profitable business. It expands on the greatest aspects of HCM to produce experiences that are genuinely dynamic, interesting, and employee-focused throughout the entire employee lifecycle, which includes hiring, onboarding, payroll, and performance management.

It also assists companies like us in better understanding all our employees’ skills and objectives and then connecting them to organizational needs.

  1. What are you most proud of in terms of HR tech implementation?

 The requirement for a more flexible HR structure is the need of the hour as the hierarchical model quickly gets out of date. In the new workplace model, employees are moving around very quickly, and most companies have redeployed employees into new business sectors. They have grown their business into previously unexplored markets and altered their organizational structure.

Our most recent HR technology is ideal in this situation. With SAP’s HR Tech solutions, businesses can manage the shift from hierarchical to flat, cross-functional organizational structures. Employees can also showcase their skills, preferences, tastes, and aspirations by using the growth portfolio, which is a dynamic collection of employee qualities built on an open and adaptable architecture.

  1. What is the most significant progress your organization has made so far this year, in terms of maximizing the benefits of HR tech solutions in the following areas? (a)Employee Experience (b)Communication/Employee Engagement (c)Productivity monitoring in a remote or hybrid setting

Our HXM offerings incorporate employee input and connect it to operational data to better understand not just what is happening in their workforce but also why it is happening. Additionally, the cloud-based HXM Suite gives HR the ability to manage the whole workforce as it covers all significant HR-related topics and includes both full-time employees and contract workers. Business users can begin with any one HXM solution and subsequently expand based on business requirements.

Lastly, the model is entirely built on the idea of a “whole self-model.” This refers to how employees encounter opportunities and changes during their careers, adjusting over time in response to changes in a person’s work habits, perspective, life experiences, aspirations, and hobbies. The Center of Capabilities uses machine learning to build an adaptable talent profile that can be used to deliver personalized experiences to each employee.

  1. What are the challenges faced by the HR department while adopting the new HR technology? How do you deal with change management?

 Small and mid-sized businesses -have different requirements when it comes to HR technology. Most of the time, a single human resources management system can resolve most of its people-related requirements. With advanced technologies, installation and overcoming typical obstacles can make some tasks more accessible.

Two of the main situations resulting from fragmented technological platforms are inadequate reporting and insufficient data. Using various technologies for people-related tasks and insights slows down workflow and causes unnecessary delays. Furthermore, over-dependence on IT support due to lack of technical expertise, lack of scalability – piecemeal unscalable HR systems, and compliance problems arising out of outdated HR systems without real-time compliance regulation are some of the other challenges organizations can face.

Having a more comprehensive, fully integrated HR management system that enables the management of payroll, employee lifecycle, recruitment, and other HR services from a single place will help to prevent such challenges.

  1. In which specific HR function, do you find an imminent need for technology upgradation and why?

Businesses are increasingly utilizing cloud-based HR systems, particularly with younger employees who are used to working almost entirely within the digital realm.  Secure company and employee data may be accessed in real-time from virtually anywhere through cloud software, which is kept on servers and easily accessible by authorized users. The necessity for a thorough training program and platform that includes employee access to company materials like HR policy manuals, training videos, and other onboarding materials is critical, given the growing reliance on new work models.

Using cloud-based HR solutions has further advantages in that it makes it easier to build on earlier recruitment expertise and create new procedures to draw in job seekers. Allowing self-service portals and chat features will improve the employee experience, including the ability to recognize each employee’s top performance and appropriately reward their contributions. Future employee growth is also facilitated by an efficient cloud-based HR system. As the company expands, this automated technology can extend its capacity to accommodate the growing need for more people.

  1. How do you evaluate the HR tech investment? What are the major challenges that you face in this?

To determine the return on investment for human resources, companies must consider factors such as: tracking data through great solutions that may assist the organization’s HR procedures and deliver insights that are clear and simple to examine.

Furthermore, we ensure that the broad objectives of the company and its HR metrics do not conflict. Finally, we use the results of the HR ROI calculations to increase productivity, make better investment decisions, and make future decisions with greater knowledge.

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