
SAP People Collection Project: A Safe Space for Personal Conversations

SAP North America recently launched the SAP People Collection project, a safe space for personal conversations designed to challenge stigma and stereotypes.

At the pilot event in Newtown Square, employees met one-on-one with colleagues who shared experiences ranging from living with bipolar disorder, navigating sobriety, championing neurodiversity, beating cancer, finding ways to deal with suicide in their family, and more. “Today’s event is so important because it’s another example of the incredible culture we have here of inclusion and belonging,” said SAP North America President Lloyd Adams.

With more than 100,000 employees across the globe, SAP’s workforce is a vibrant collection of unique people and experiences. These life experiences shape who we are, how we show up to work, and how we can learn from others.

In the words of a participant, “If I can help one person and give them hope, and give them the ability to know they’re not alone, then this is worth it.”