SAP Southeast Asia News Center

Holi Pharma Digitally Transforms to Drive Growth and Expansion with SAP, IBM and AWS

14 Apr 2012 --- Woman reading the label in a drug store. --- Image by © Hero Images/Corbis

JAKARTA – One of Indonesia’s top pharmaceutical companies, PT Holi Pharma, announced a collaboration with SAP (NYSE: SAP) and IBM to accelerate its digital transformation to grow and expand throughout the country.

IBM Consulting has helped Holi Pharma successfully deploy RISE with SAP to move its mission-critical ERP workloads and processes to the cloud. This will bring faster operational insights to Holi Pharma, which is expected to significantly impact the group-wide efficiency and production capacity.

Propelled by the aspiration to become a national asset, the move by Holi Pharma dovetails Indonesia 4.0 roadmap to make the populous nation among the top 10 economies in the world by 2030. The pharmaceutical sector is one of the seven industrial sectors identified by the Ministry of Industry as a key player and contributor to the nation’s economic success.

“We were impressed by the migration of our core business processes by IBM Consulting, which was completed within four months,” said Lioe Julius, Head of IT, Holi Pharma. “The single, reliable ERP system and the next-generation analytics on RISE with SAP, combined with AWS, allow us to generate insights and reports at the speed our business now requires, allowing us to respond to market changes and make strategic decisions faster, in support of our growth and expansion roadmap.”

By working with SAP, IBM and AWS, Holi Pharma will now be able to accelerate its SAP S/4HANA transformation journey and share data efficiently among business units to provide decision-makers with precise operational insights. It also speeds up processes like month-end closing and production planning, allowing Holi Pharma employees to spend more time on value-added analysis. RISE with SAP will enable Holi Pharma to conduct detailed profitability analysis at the segment and product level by utilising FI and CO module.

With the elasticity of high-performance computing and storage systems, AWS enables SAP and IBM to deploy the RISE with SAP landscape faster, achieving significantly shorter project timeline for Holi Pharma.

“Having data that is integrated, accurate and in real-time throughout the company is the strong foundation for increased production capacity and innovation of Holi Pharma group,” said Andreas Diantoro, Managing Director, SAP Indonesia. “Enabled by RISE with SAP, the combined expertise and experience from the expanded partnership with IBM and AWS will lay a foundation for Holi Pharma to accelerate its business transformation and enhance its leadership position.”

“Our work together will help joint clients streamline and modernize their SAP workloads,” said Gunawan Susanto, Country Manager, Indonesia, AWS. “The collaboration among AWS, IBM, and SAP illustrates the IBM Ecosystem at work to address the challenges on speed and efficiency facing our clients when migrating and modernizing their ERP system.”

“IBM and SAP have the deep experience and knowledge to help companies looking to advance their transformation journeys by leveraging a hybrid cloud approach, said Andrian Purnama, Managing Partner, IBM Consulting, Indonesia. “Our work together with Holi Pharma will be the backbone that enables the company to scale their digital transformation and accelerate growth.”

About SAP
SAP’s strategy is to help every business run as an intelligent, sustainable enterprise. As a market leader in enterprise application software, we help companies of all sizes and in all industries run at their best: SAP customers generate 87% of total global commerce. Our machine learning, Internet of Things (IoT), and advanced analytics technologies help turn customers’ businesses into intelligent enterprises. SAP helps give people and organizations deep business insight and fosters collaboration that helps them stay ahead of their competition. We simplify technology for companies so they can consume our software the way they want – without disruption. Our end-to-end suite of applications and services enables business and public customers across 25 industries globally to operate profitably, adapt continuously, and make a difference. With a global network of customers, partners, employees, and thought leaders, SAP helps the world run better and improve people’s lives. For more information, visit

About Holi Pharma
PT Holi Pharma is a pharmaceutical company located in Cimahi, West Java, Indonesia and has been established since 1968. At the end of 2021, PT Holi Pharma was acquired by PT Pyridam Farma Tbk.

PT Holi Pharma produces a wide range of medicines from various therapeutic areas in the form of syrups, tablets/caplets, capsules, semi-solid, and external liquid medicines. This company has more than 150 SKUs of products with a combination of generic and branded products that include drugs, antibiotics, vitamins, and supplements.

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Holi Pharma Bertransformasi Digital untuk Mendorong Pertumbuhan dan Ekspansi bersama SAP, IBM dan AWS

JAKARTA – Salah satu perusahaan farmasi terbaik di Indonesia, PT Holi Pharma, mengumumkan kolaborasi bersama SAP (NYSE: SAP SE) dan IBM dalam percepatan transformasi digital untuk tumbuh dan berkembang di negeri.

IBM Consulting telah membantu Holi Pharma yang sukses menyebarkan RISE dengan SAP untuk memindahkan beban kerja dan proses ERP yang kritis bagi misi perusahaan ke cloud. Hal ini akan berdampak pada wawasan operasional yang lebih cepat bagi Holi Pharma, dengan harapan memberikan berpengaruh signifikan bagi efisiensi dan kapasitas produksi grup tersebut.

Didorong oleh aspirasi untuk menjadi aset nasional, langkah yang dilakukan oleh Holi Pharma sejalan dengan roadmap Indonesia 4.0 untuk menjadikan negara berpenduduk padat tersebut sebagai salah satu dari 10 ekonomi teratas di dunia pada 2030. Sektor farmasi merupakan salah satu dari tujuh sektor industri yang diidentifikasi oleh Kementerian Perindustrian Republik Indonesia sebagai pemain kunci dan kontributor keberhasilan ekonomi negara.

“Kami terkesan dengan migrasi sejumlah proses bisnis inti oleh IBM Consulting, yang selesai dalam waktu empat bulan,” kata Lioe Julius, Head of IT, Holi Pharma. “Sistem ERP yang handal dan tunggal, serta analitik generasi berikutnya di RISE dengan SAP, dikombinasikan dengan AWS, memungkinkan kami memperoleh wawasan dan laporan yang sesuai dengan kecepatan yang bisnis kami butuhkan saat ini, juga dalam merespon perubahan yang terjadi di pasar, serta membuat keputusan strategis dengan lebih cepat untuk mendukung pertumbuhan dan perluasan roadmap kami.”

Dengan bekerja bersama SAP, IBM dan AWS, Holi Pharma kini dapat mempercepat perjalanan transformasi SAP S/4HANA dan membagikan data secara efisien di antara unit-unit bisnis guna menyediakan wawasan operasional yang tepat bagi pengambil keputusan. Hal ini juga mempercepat proses seperti penutupan akhir bulan dan perencanaan produksi, memungkinkan karyawan Holi Pharma untuk menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu pada proses analisis bernilai tambah. RISE dengan SAP memungkinkan Holi Pharma untuk melakukan analisis profitabilitas yang lebih merinci pada tingkat segmen dan produk dengan menggunakan modul FI dan CO.

Dengan elastisitas komputasi berkinerja tinggi dan sistem penyimpanan, AWS memungkinkan SAP dan IBM untuk menerapkan lanskap RISE dengan SAP lebih cepat, sehingga mempersingkat timeline proyek secara signifikan bagi Holi Pharma.

“Memiliki data yang terintegrasi, akurat, dan real-time di perusahaan merupakan fondasi yang kuat bagi peningkatan kapasitas produksi dan inovasi grup Holi Pharma,” kata Andreas Diantoro, Managing Director, SAP Indonesia. “Diaktifkan dengan RISE dengan SAP, gabungan keahlian dan pengalaman dari kemitraan yang diperluas dengan IBM dan AWS mendasari Holi Pharma untuk mempercepat transformasi bisnisnya dan meningkatkan posisi kepemimpinannya.”

“Kerja sama kami akan membantu klienmerampingkan dan memodernisasi beban kerja SAP mereka,” kata Gunawan Susanto, Country Manager, Indonesia, AWS. “Kolaborasi antara AWS, IBM, dan SAP mengilustrasikan ekosistem IBM pada pekerjaan dalam mengatasi tantangan mengenai kecepatan dan efisiensi yang dihadapi klien kami ketika bermigrasi dan memodernisasi sistem ERP mereka.”

IBM dan SAP memiliki pengalaman dan pengetahuan yang mendalam untuk membantu perusahaan yang ingin memajukan perjalanan transformasi mereka dengan memanfaatkan pendekatan hybrid cloud, kata Andrian Purnama, Managing Partner, IBM Consulting, Indonesia. “Pekerjaan kami dengan Holi Pharma akan menjadi tulang punggung yang memungkinkan perusahaan untuk meningkatkan transformasi digital dan mempercepat pertumbuhan mereka.”

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