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HR Redefines the Nature of Work with Guidance from SAP Preferred Success

Why would a human resources (HR) leader want to go back to “normal” if it meant that the workforce would still suffer from stress, burnout, long commutes, and a never-ending diet of presentations? The answer is they don’t. No one does. With the guidance and support of SAP Preferred Success, SAP customers are tackling these long-unresolved challenges and more.

HR leaders have a golden opportunity to radically change what employees can do and how digital technology enables them. But this moment is more than just supporting remote work and transactions – it’s also about designing work for people.

While most HR organizations were already slowly moving from transactional functions to human experience management (HXM), the recent pandemic kicked this transformation into high gear. We see this new reality play out as SAP customers implement and extend SAP SuccessFactors solutions, which run in the cloud.

The goals of this HR digitalization approach are not just to collect and analyze data, complete performance assessments, or recruit the best candidates; it’s to deliver a more relevant and dynamic employee experience that drives the outcomes the business needs to survive and thrive.

Bending the Workplace to Elevate Experience

One of the biggest challenges facing HR leaders is the alignment of their HR information systems (HRIS) and the employee experience with strategic business outcomes. We often find that leaders who are tremendously knowledgeable about HR trends and employee needs and preferences are now expected to serve as technology experts. And considering the ever-changing landscape of today’s world of software-as-a-service (SaaS) and cloud solutions, this new responsibility can be daunting to fulfill.

With the SAP Preferred Success offering, SAP customers can reassess what their employees need now and should need in the future, and how the adoption of SAP SuccessFactors solutions can best support them. This link between perceptive reimagining and digital strategy helps HR leaders build a resilient yet flexible digital foundation with insight-driven, prescriptive, and personalized guidance and support.

At SAP, we understand that moving an HRIS system from on premise to the cloud requires a change management process that is streamlined and human-centered. SAP Preferred Success is designed to empower a new mindset focused on valuing a standardized technology foundation that can support evolving practices and the latest capabilities. Whether existing, emerging, or yet to be developed, technologies necessary to support the workforce and the business can be added as internal and external dynamics change.

Take Vetter. The international specialist in the production of aseptically prefilled syringe systems, cartridges, and vials transformed its HR processes without compromising safety standards or quality. After implementing SAP SuccessFactors, the company realized the benefits of standardized, scalable HR processes and human-centered employee experiences. The HR team can now help support business expansion and increase Vetter’s appeal as an employer in a region with full employment.

Vetter achieved this outcome with the assistance of SAP Preferred Success. By working with Vetter and its partner, itelligence AG, a dedicated customer success manager and a team of SAP experts helped digitalize, automate, and accelerate HR processes. They replaced multiple legacy systems and manual workflows with a modern, future-proof cloud solution and scaled its HR system landscape to be in line with business expansion.

SAP Preferred Success enabled Vetter to optimize its investment in SAP SuccessFactors solutions by orchestrating a comprehensive portfolio of unique success plans and resources. The offering also provided tailored, functional learning and enhanced support capabilities that give the company’s employees the freedom to evolve their work experience as needs and responsibilities change and their personal use and understanding of technology mature.

By connecting Vetter’s short-term and long-range strategies with its workforce’s existing skills, SAP Preferred Success brought to life convenient, intuitive self-services for all employees, especially its shift workers. For example, access to employee training is available on demand and follows current good manufacturing practices (cGMP).

A master repository for employee data was also created to improve data quality, help eliminate duplicate efforts, standardize reports, and give 24/7 access to an up-to-date, unified overview of the workforce. Plus, tighter compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other data security directives offers employees confidence that their personal data is protected.

Establishing High Standards with a People-Friendly HR Experience

SAP Preferred Success is not only focused on the adoption of technology, like SAP SuccessFactors solutions; it also targets the delivery of desired business outcomes by analyzing solution usage and complimentary enhancements and converting metrics and milestones into insight-driven success plans.

And for our customers, this level of guidance comes at the right time – when modernizing an HR system landscape is a prime opportunity to redefine the nature of work with human-centered experiences that matter to all employees and the business.

For more real-life insight on SAP Preferred Success, this series will explore how various parts of a company – from HR and finance to sales, marketing, and the supply chain – can accelerate cloud adoption and business outcomes with insight-driven, prescriptive, and personalized guidance and support.

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Miguel Alfaro is global director and product manager of SAP Preferred Success for Customer Engagement and Experience at SAP.

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