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Acknowledging SAP’s Concrete Steps to Tackle Climate and Social Challenges

Today’s business leaders incorporate environmental and social governance metrics into their core strategy and use it to guide investment choices, product development, human capital agenda, and corporate reputation.

To help customers reinvent themselves and become intelligent and sustainable enterprises, SAP has strengthened its commitments and pledges. We are helping our customers be sustainably profitable and profitability sustainable.

From accelerating the goal to achieve net-zero emissions across SAP’s value chain by 2030 rather than 2050 to delivering solutions that enable customers to measure carbon emissions, reduce waste, and integrate financial and non-financial metrics, SAP is delivering its promise to help customers run better, all the while serving its higher purpose to improve people lives.

SAP’s environmental, social, and governance (ESG) efforts — along with its measures, initiatives, and targets — have been recognized by the world’s most trusted business sustainability ratings and ranking organizations.

As Julia White, chief marketing and solutions officer and member of the Executive Board of SAP SE, recently pointed out: “We have learned a great deal through years of focus, investment, and experience working with customers and managing our own sustainability efforts. Urgent action is needed in 2022 and the calls of a ‘code red for humanity‘ are not overstated. It’s time for every business to act.”

Selected Ranking and Ratings

CDP | Learn more

In addition to receiving an A-rating in CDP’s last climate change assessment once again, SAP was recognized by CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project) as a 2021 CDP Supplier Engagement Leader, raising the level of climate action across its value chain and for taking action to measure and reduce climate risk within its supply chain.

“Our data shows that companies currently have blinkers on when it comes to assessing their indirect impacts and engaging with suppliers to reduce them,” said Sonya Bhonsle, Global Head of Value Chains & Regional Director Corporations, CDP. “Companies must act urgently to cascade action and manage environmental impacts throughout their supply chains to scale the level of action to secure a 1.5°C future. Many congratulations to the more than 500 companies earning a place on CDP’s 2021 Supplier Engagement Leaderboard. As a supplier engagement leader, SAP SE is a trailblazer driving the transition toward a sustainable net-zero future.”

Corporate Knights | Learn more

In the 18th annual ranking of Corporate Knights’ 2022 100 most sustainable corporations in the world, SAP ranked 55. This award has a special significance as Global 100 companies represent the top one percent in the world on sustainability performance. To determine the ranking, the Toronto-based media, research, and financial information products company analyzed 7,000 companies with more than US$1 billion in revenues against 23 key performance indicators.

“Strong performance on these metrics is foundational to achieving a clean and carbon-neutral economy in the necessary time frame and the sustained momentum is encouraging,” said Toby Heaps, Corporate Knights CEO and Editor-in-Chief.

Corporate Sustainability Assessment by S&P (Dow Jones Sustainability Indices)

Learn more in “SAP Achieves Top Scores in Dow Jones Sustainability Index and Carbon Disclosure Project.”

EcoVadis | Learn more

In the last sustainability assessment of EcoVadis in August 2021, SAP was awarded a gold medal again and upheld its position in the top two percent, with a score of 72 of 100. With more than 85,000 rated companies, EcoVadis is one of the world’s most trusted business sustainability rating providers. Its assessment covers a broad range of non-financial management systems, including environments, labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement impacts.

FTSE4Good | Learn more

Administered by the Financial Times Stock Exchange-Russell Group (FTSE), the FTSE4Good Index Series is designed to measure the performance of companies demonstrating strong ESG practices. Transparent management and clearly defined ESG criteria make FTSE4Good indices suitable tools to be used by a wide variety of market participants when creating or assessing sustainable investment products.

SAP received an ESG score of 4.1 out of 5 — the top nine percent of analyzed companies — based on assessment questions in areas such as environment, climate change, human rights, community and labor standards, tax transparency, and anti-corruption. Due to its good scoring, SAP remains a constituent of the FTSE4Good Index Series following the December 2021 review.

ISS ESG | Learn more

The Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) ESG Corporate Rating provides an assessment of companies’ sustainability performance based on high-quality and in-depth research and up to 100 sector-specific rating criteria that are regularly reviewed and developed. With its B rating, SAP has been acknowledged with prime status and is among the top percentile, also receiving the top score in both the social and environmental quality dimension . The last governance profile update was  November 19, 2021; the last E and S profile update was May 6, 2021.

Moody’s ESG Solutions  | Learn more

In the last assessment in January 2022*, SAP maintained the highest of four performance levels (“advanced”) and ranked two of 83 in its sector, acknowledging its strength of managing material ESG factors, mitigating risks, and creating sustainable value. Due to its good performance, SAP remained a constituent in the Euronext Vigeo Eiris indices Europe120 and Eurozone120. These indices are composed of the highest ranking listed companies according to its evaluation of companies’ ESG performance based on 38 criteria, including industry weightings, and monitoring of company-related ESG controversies.

MSCI | Learn more

MSCI ESG Research provides in-depth research, ratings, and analysis of the ESG-related business practices of thousands of companies worldwide. Its research is designed to provide critical insights that can help institutional investors identify risks and opportunities that traditional investment research may overlook. The MSCI ESG Ratings are also used in the construction of the MSCI ESG Indexes produced by MSCI, Inc. SAP upholds the highest rating of AAA** and is an ESG leader in human capital development, corporate governance, privacy and data security, and clean tech as of the last assessment in April 2021.

Sustainalytics | Learn More

As of August 2021, SAP received an ESG Risk Rating of 9.7 from Sustainalytics and was assessed to be at negligible risk of experiencing material financial impacts from ESG factors. Founded in 1992, Sustainalytics, a Morningstar company, provides analytical ESG research, ratings, and data to institutional investors and companies.

*This ESG Assessment was originally conducted by V.E, which is now part of Moody’s ESG Solutions.
**Scale: AAA (leader) to CCC (laggard). The use by SAP SE of any MSCI ESG Research LLC or its affiliates (‘MSCI”) data, and the use of MSCI logos, trademarks or index names herein, do not constitute a sponsorship, endorsement, recommendation or promotion of SAP SE by MSCI. MSCI Services and Data are the property of MSCI or its information providers and are provided “as-is” and without warranty. MSCI names and logos are trademarks or service marks of MSCI.

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