SAP Australia & New Zealand News Center

“This is something that will grow with us” – General Manager, Device Technologies

Doctors and scientists looking at screens of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) 3 Tesla twin speed scanner

Introducing scalable intelligent capabilities

With over 100 trusted brands and 700 highly skilled staff throughout Australia and New Zealand, Device Technologies needed digital platform that could support its evolving needs and rapid growth.

However, its strategic plans were being hindered by time-consuming manual procedures, data entry errors, poor monitoring, and risk mitigation. These challenges were negatively impacting on productivity and efficiency, highlighting Device Technologies’ need to digitally transform and optimise.

The organisation understood the importance of implementing a system with the capability to manage its people and processes more intelligently while providing a scalable framework that evolves with Device Technologies’ needs.

Elevating the customer experience

To pilot an internal-facing surgery booking portal supported by SAP Commerce Cloud, Device Technologies partnered with DXC Oxygen. The organisation was instrumental in delivering optimisation and automation through next-generation technology solutions embedded with best practice.

However, while technology can automate processes, automation by itself does not necessarily drive better customer outcomes – it must be guided by a keen understanding of human interaction. That is why Device Technologies was so delighted with the outcome of its partnership with DXC Oxygen and SAP.

The implementation process was a great example of using technology to empower staff, streamline processes, and redefine the customer experience. It is also evident that when delivered correctly, this approach can drive economic value and allow large organisations to achieve more with existing resources.

This pilot program has allowed everyone in the business to experience the difference Device Technologies was trying to make and how that in turn impacts its customers. The ability to understand customers more holistically means the organisation can manage their needs more extensively, proactively, and intelligently.

DXC also helped Device Technologies rollout SAP Service Cloud for a consignment platform to better monitor stock usage and extended our booking portal to private hospitals – giving customers the ability to self-manage by viewing their booking and consignment history and tracking loan bookings for location and delivery.

Ensuring Device Technologies is future ready

Implementing a comprehensive and intuitive digital platform has removed risk, eliminated repetitive processes, and given staff and customers time back in their day.

This project has helped Device Technologies uncover a deeper level of customer information, which is now used to inform how the brand communicates and transacts with customers. Equipped with these data insights, Device Technologies is able to better tailor customer services, creating processes that are convenient, relevant, and real-time across all points of contact.

As we’ve raised productivity and efficiency in our sales and customer service booking teams, we’ve seen a subsequent increase in our sales revenue.

Some said that the omnichannel nature of this solution was too big for Device Technologies, but the organisation wanted intelligent capabilities that would grow in the future, allowing the business to scale. The new platform is powerful enough to meet Device Technologies’ needs now but can expand as the company needs it to.

Investing in SAP solutions has provided Device Technologies with the systems and resources to operate intelligently, building a digital ecosystem to support growth and keep the organisation abreast of customer needs, expectations, and trends.


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