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GreenToken by SAP wins at iAwards Canberra

Saleswoman (16-17 years, mixed race African American) helping customer.

We’re proud to announce SAP GreenToken has won the Sustainability and Environmental Solution award at the iAwards Canberra! 

The iAwards, driven by the Australian Information Industry Association, are Australia’s longest running and most broadly scoped innovation recognition program, rewarding excellence in Australian innovation that is making a difference and has the potential to create positive change for the community. 

SAP Green Token is a solution which provides a new level of transparency into complex raw material supply chains. It was co-founded by two SAP employees, James Veale and Nitin Jain, to tackle the challenge of tracking hard to trace bulk raw materials back to their origin.

It’s long been a challenge for business, with two in three companies faced with limited to no visibility into the origin of their upstream raw materials. For example, is that palm oil in your consumer product from a recently deforested area? Is that lithium in your mobile phone mined using child labour? Is that recycled plastic in your drink bottle really being recycled?

SAP GreenToken is a completely new approach to material sourcing transparency, using digital twin product tokens to track raw materials and blockchain technology to keep an immutable record of where the material has come from and where it’s going.  

It was built to drive rapid adoption across a company’s supply chain business partner network by making it an easy to deploy cloud product with built in integrations to SAP ERP.  

By capturing unique attributes on the token, such as commodity origin, carbon footprint, deforestation status, and ethical and fair-trade labour, GreenToken enables businesses to accelerate their shift to new auditable sustainable practices.  

Furthermore, by informing you, the consumer, of where the products you purchase are derived from, shoppers can make more informed purchasing decisions that help to improve people’s lives and ultimately, the environment.   

To learn more about SAP GreenToken and how you can secure environmental, social and governance data exchange in your supply chain, click here:  

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