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Conquer Change Fatigue with SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite

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Through the review and validation service for SAP SuccessFactors Human Experience Management Suite, HR organizations can help their workforce overcome change fatigue by identifying moments of truth and acquiring actionable recommendations to improve everyday work experiences.

Every HR organization strives to create a culture of trust and cohesion. However, an exponential increase in changes in the workplace is leaving most employees feeling fatigued, disconnected, and even less trusting of their leadership.

According to Gartner, HR organizations cannot afford to ignore this growing sentiment. Change-related fatigue negatively affects employee performance and feelings of inclusion – all of which are making employees 54% less likely to stay. But more interesting is that minor adjustments, such as modifying processes or switching work environments, create considerably more fatigue than major structural shifts, including mergers and acquisitions.

For SAP customers using SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite, the insights and support needed to drive more positive employee change experiences are already available through the review and validation service.

What Is the Review and Validation Service?

Ultimately, the review and validation service for SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite is designed to serve as a health check on the human experience management solutions from SAP your workplace relies on every day. The service uses a comprehensive set of methods and tools that examine your current use of an SAP SuccessFactors solution and provides recommendations to optimize your current and future strategic needs.

Along with certified consultants from SAP, your HR organization can identify leading practices, areas for improvement, and actionable recommendations to achieve quick-win and long-term changes with the highest quality and adoption. You may consider additional services based on the evaluation results to facilitate, for example, reporting improvements, migrating a legacy onboarding solution, creating a comprehensive learning program, and enhancing employee performance.

Some of our customers use the service to drive transformation with a better understanding and adoption of best-practice features. Our consultants guide them through an analysis of whether the functionalities from their deployment of SAP SuccessFactors solutions meet business objectives and accelerate expected outcomes.

The review and validation service can also help verify any risk in not using a feature in an SAP SuccessFactors solution. For example, data privacy and protection can be impacted when certain data management functions are not set up properly. Our consultants can then provide leading practices and expertise on what other companies are doing to resolve potential issues. Furthermore, you can access resources from our customer community to review and plan for new functionality from a future release.

How Can Your Organization Benefit From the Service?

Whether implementing an SAP SuccessFactors solution or evaluating it years after the initial go-live, the review and validation service for SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite offers a unique opportunity to assess your HR transformation critically. You can discuss with users and stakeholders their experience with the technology that supports it and consider short- and long-term benefits based on a detailed report of actionable recommendations. The service also enables you to research the cost of proposed changes and any potential savings in time, resources, and money.

With all this information, your HR team can choose the changes the business needs and make a well-defined plan to move forward. As a result of the service, you may identify any additional resources needed, assign responsibilities to experts, and decide on the testing and go-live timeline. Additionally, you can ascertain whether the features or solutions required to drive the transformation are available.

Once you have reviewed the recommendations provided by the service, you can make changes in the test environment and submit it to decision-makers to assess whether the user experience meets the needs of their employees. You can engage your organizational leaders in informational and clarification sessions to make necessary updates until they feel the proposed change is ready to go live.

To encourage acceptance and adoption, you can then inform the affected workforce of the change, such as when it will occur and what to expect. This step includes updating workbooks, user guides, and other materials that detail impacts on processes and the overall user experience.

From Change Fatigue to Meaningful Work

When people can recognize how they benefit from a change in their work experience, they are more likely to adopt it and overcome their perceived limitations.

Think about it: If you’re using an application that helps produce meaningful insights and ideas, your motivation and engagement will only skyrocket. But when moving from one process to another with little purpose, a sense of fatigue takes over, encouraging you to look for a new job opportunity.

Your HR team can clear the fog of change fatigue with the review and validation service for SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite. By giving employees the updates they need and discarding the ones they don’t, your business can gain the employee trust, cohesion, and empowerment it needs to move forward and grow.

Learn more about SAP Services and Support offerings and discover more HXM services:

Melonie Towell is HXM Strategic Initiatives director at SAP.

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