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Five Employee Experience Trends All Organizations Need to Address

Over 50.5 million employees in the U.S. left their jobs in 2022 and each month more than 4 million people quit their jobs due to negative experiences at work. At the same time, employee tenure is rapidly declining, now at 4.2 years, down from 15.* All of these realities reinforce why employee experience matters. Employees today have an abundance of choice when it comes to work. In fact, most organizations would agree that what started as a trend is now a business imperative.

Turn employees into ambassadors with exceptional employee experiences

Employee experience is linked to a number of organizational outcomes, such as performance, customer satisfaction, retention, and innovation. So, what are the trends redefining how employees think about work and how organizations meet the needs of their people to help them be their best? From the candidate experience to remote work to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I), how can HR leaders gather the right data at scale, understand how employees feel, identify experience gaps, and take the right steps to drive positive work experiences that drive real business impact?

The 2023 HR Meta-Trends Report, published by the SAP SuccessFactors research team, shows that there has been a clear focus on improving the employee experience in order to drive organizational outcomes. HR trends are both influenced by and influential on how employees feel, making employee experience a fundamental principle. And it all starts with listening to employees, understanding where the experience gaps are, and identifying the best actions to address the issues.

Navigating Modern Work Challenges

The results of Qualtrics research** show that employees have many wants and expectations for the future of work and organizations need to listen and pay closer attention to these five trends to enhance the overall employee experience and retain and attract top talent.

  1. Employment is not only about having a job anymore. Employees want more than just a job. They want to work for organizations that have a sense of purpose and have values aligned with theirs. The more employees feel their employers embody these values, the more they are engaged and want to stay.
  2. Confidence and business success also matter to employees. As markets become more volatile, employees want to feel confident in their jobs. They want to know that the organization is taking care of their needs so they have a sense of security, even during times of change.
  3. Employees want a better work-life balance. People have been operating at surge levels for years and are reclaiming boundaries for a better work-life balance. Employees with a good work-life balance are willing to go above and beyond for their organization.
  4. Flawed processes and inefficient systems have fueled burnout. Ineffective processes and systems remain the top driver for burnout. Giving employees the tools and technology to do their jobs effectively and efficiently  helps increase productivity and engagement.
  5. Growth and development are fundamental needs. Opportunities for growth and career progression drive employee retention, well-being, inclusion, and experience expectation levels. Understanding employee skills and providing opportunities for personalized development and growth through job matching, career development, mentorship, and community building are key to meeting employees‘ short- and long-term needs.

Addressing Trends by Closing Experience Gaps

Technology plays a crucial role in enabling organizations to understand what drives workforce productivity by facilitating continuous listening. SAP employee experience management solutions by Qualtrics help organizations listen to their people’s needs and take the right steps to close employee experience gaps. Employees are empowered to express their thoughts and impressions, while leaders have the insights and guided action planning they need to improve the experience throughout the entire employee journey. This promotes an open and inclusive environment where employees feel heard and acknowledged, ultimately boosting their confidence, productivity, and security.

Learn more about SAP employee experience management solutions by Qualtrics and how they can help you create a more holistic employee experience.  

Mayara Tabone is a solution marketing specialist at SAP SuccessFactors.

*U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey via FRED
**The top employee experience trends in 2023

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