Want your customers to be part of the most prestigious SAP Africa event…? Then you need to understand the 10 Quality Principles that will help them achieve excellence in their projects!

Follow us for the next 10 weeks as we explore each principle.

Commitment to Quality at SAP

Achieving excellence is based on proven methods, effective tools, experience, and good judgment. SAP has the tools and the expertise to achieve excellence consistently.

Delivering software solutions that bring significant benefits to the business doesn’t just happen . . . It takes careful planning and execution, measured against established criteria for achieving excellence. Drawing on the experience of tens of thousands of organizations that have successfully implemented software solutions, SAP developed a set of quality principles, which have been confirmed as fundamental for achieving excellent results.

A commitment to quality underpins everything we do at SAP. It is a core value of our organization. The focus on quality principles in implementations – reinforced through effective cooperation among all stakeholders – is intended to help our customers, our partners, and SAP achieve success together. Keeping this in mind the Customer Success Office in Africa is launching a 10-week campaign to help you unpack these quality principles.

Last month we celebrated great wins for two 2019 SAP Africa Quality Awards Gold winners who also won at the Regional 2019 EMEA Quality Awards. City of Cape Town won Silver in the Innovation category and Umeme Limited won Bronze in the Fast Delivery category.

Some of the winning arguments for the City of Cape Town project included

  • the participation of business in the review process,
  • the creation of a Design Authority to obtain key technical decisions; and – also very important –
  • the process of knowledge transfer to the City of Cape Town’s support team throughout the project.

Umeme Limited understood their strengths and weaknesses, which helped them to brilliantly manage the scope and governance of the project. Both projects displayed the use of the quality principles that helped them become winners. SO, look out for our next article to help you identify the specific quality principles!