
SAP Quality Principle 7: Identify and Manage Risks and Issues Throughout the Project


Principle 7: Identify and manage risks and issues throughout the project

Careful identification, analysis, and manage­ment of risks and issues are key to success. Regardless of project size, a formal risk manage­ment process should be followed and include organizations affected by the implementation as well as implementation partners.

Continuously – and where a partner is involved, jointly – manage risks throughout the project lifecycle. Consider independent reviews at impor­tant milestones and quality gates. Support the process with an effective governance. Prepare all parties to acknowledge risks honestly. Enlist their com­mitment in recommending pragmatic, rigorous mitigation actions and implementing those recommendations.

Rural Electrification Authority was a finalist in last year’s 2019 SAP Africa Quality Awards. Risk management was very well documented by them. A risk register which entailed risk analysis, mitigation, impact and probabilities was maintained. If a risk identified had a potential of derailing the project, this was presented to the Steering Committee otherwise the project team was responsible for providing mitigation to all identifiable risks.

Learn more about SAP Quality Principles here.