This opportunity will see the grassroots runners being able to afford to races, kits, registration plates, catering and other needs to help them excel on the running tracks.

Long-distance runner Joseph Mkolo has decided to share his international sponsorship with the athletic club at Menzi Primary School.
The runner and coach have been benefiting from the international partnership with SAP Business One from Germany for eight years.
He said now that he is coaching the local team and identified their challenges, he decided to share some of the donations with them.

This opportunity will see the grassroots runners being able to afford to participate in races, kits, registration plates, catering and other needs to help them excel on the tracks.

Mkolo, who has been running for 35 years, said now that he is no longer competing he decided to share with young runners who need it most.

“For these children to excel in their talent they need our support and grooming.

“Unfortunately, many runners who are from poor backgrounds are often disadvantaged due to finances, but through this programme, many will be allowed to focus on excelling,” he said.

He is calling on local business people and the municipality to support local runners.

This article first appeared in African Reporter.