Ten-month implementation uses SAP SuccessFactors to drive improved employee satisfaction, efficiency and a simplified experience

Melbourne, Australia 3 October 2023 SAP today announced Australian energy network business, AusNet, has implemented SAP SuccessFactors, streamlining processes, improving the employee experience, and driving $2.1 million in savings over the next five years.

AusNet has more than 1,300 employees who are responsible for managing the distribution and transmission networks that provide power to over 1.5 million Victorians. Up until recently, AusNet had a legacy IT system to manage employee time record, organisational and position management information, however a lack of controls in its legacy solution meant it was difficult to achieve effective compliance around enterprise workplace agreements. Furthermore, siloed systems created inefficient and time-consuming processes for its employees.

AusNet is working with IBM Consulting to embark on this HR transformation underpinned by SAP SuccessFactors, consolidating 38 business processes from 3 systems into 1 over a ten-month period. IBM Consulting is bringing the expertise in SAP solutions along with deep experience in HR transformation. Through this project AusNet has simplified the employee experience by standardising business processes, reducing HR administrative work, and consolidating processes so there are fewer touchpoints for its staff.

Bernie Repacholi, Head of People Systems and Enablement says, “We wanted to modernise the processes and systems that underpin our employee experience, removing silos, streamlining processes, and making it easier for our employees to get their work done.

“In partnership with IBM we took a human-centered design process to co-create a solution, underpinned by SAP, that would help to future-proof our business by better meeting the needs of our people. This includes reducing time spent on administrative tasks to free up staff to focus on more strategic initiatives and incorporate stronger controls and compliance to ensure accurate review of enterprise workplace agreements.

“Additionally, access to people analytics means we’re empowering our HR team to make more informed decisions for the business including labour forecasting, wage growth, and wage reviews” she added.

Pete Andrew, Head of Industries, SAP Australia and New Zealand commented on the partnership, “As regulation increases across all industries, technology has become critical in helping organisations respond and manage this, which frees up their time to focus on other priorities, like their people.

“By implementing SAP SuccessFactors, AusNet has futureproofed its processes and systems by rolling out a business wide compliance program which has streamlined processes and standardised operations, fostering higher productivity among its workforce.”

Wes Dunn, SuccessFactors Practice Lead for IBM Consulting Australia and New Zealand, said AusNet, IBM and SAP worked as one team to deliver a unique solution focusing on AusNet’s needs.

“By utilising our proprietary IBM Consulting SAP SuccessFactors Accelerator for Utilities we were able to revamp and streamline legacy processes saving employees time and helping to create a more efficient way of working. Importantly the new system provides managers with access to analytics, enabling them to quickly review attendances, absences, turnover and workflow statistics.”

“IBM is proud to be AusNet’s implementation partner, enabling a trusted, intuitive and leading practice application which is at the heart of people centricity.”