Highlights of Vision for a Plastic-Free Ocean Session

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Highlights of Vision for a Plastic-Free Ocean Session

Vision for a Plastic-Free Ocean: Session Highlights


As members of the World Economic Forum’s Global Plastic Action Partnership, SAP,  The Coca-Cola Company, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, and the World Wildlife Foundation are convening in this session to share a vision for a world that is free of plastic waste and pollution.

The health of our planet is reflected in the health of our oceans, and our oceans are sick on plastic. However, it is not too late to turn the tide and deliver the systematic change needed to achieve cleaner oceans and communities. The latest research reveals there could be 1 million times more microplastics floating in our oceans than previously thought. To tackle this, businesses need to rapidly shift to single-use alternatives, scale design for circularity, invest in waste infrastructure, and help ensure a better consumer experience. Like-minded stakeholders must come together to demonstrate concrete action, system-wide collaboration, and innovation that is enabled by data and intelligent technologies at scale. The intended audience includes the businesses and NGOs working on or supporting packaging and plastics reduction, reclamation, re-use, or recycling commitments to accelerate their transitions to a circular economy and reduce environmental impact.