From bland loyalty to brand loyalty: nearly half of Gen Z abandon brands that become boring

Press Release

AI holds the key to keeping brands fresh and engaging for Gen Z, unveils SAP Emarsysfourth annual Customer Loyalty Index

London, UK, 24th September 2024 — Almost half of UK Gen Zers (46%) and 29% of other generations have abandoned a brand they were once loyal to because they grew ‘bored’ of them. That’s according to SAP Emarsys’ annual Customer Loyalty Index (CLI) announced today at SAP Customer Experience (CX) Live. 

Regardless of whether consumers care deeply about a brand, the key to standing out in the long term lies in better personalisation, more relevant content, and offering unique perspectives tailored to individual interests. According to SAP Emarsys data, younger consumers are particularly drawn to innovative marketing. Specifically, 30% of Gen Z, compared to 23% of all demographics, have tried a new brand because of its ‘creative marketing.’ Additionally, over a quarter of Gen Z (31%) are enticed by brands that use ‘cool’ content or imagery, versus 21% of other age groups. Meanwhile, 28% of Gen Z, compared to 17% of other demographics, seek out brands that deliver ‘memorable experiences.’ 

Look at ‘Liquid Death’ bottled water being “radically entertaining” to get cut through. Or ‘Asda’ having a ‘Brat Summer.’ These brands have set a benchmark by turning everyday products or services into something innovative and memorable. Whether ‘Brat’ or ‘‘Demure’, SAP Emarsys asks the question, what does it take for brands to extend the initial loyalty ignited by fast-moving social trends into long-term true loyalty? 

How is this done? For enterprises looking to stay ahead in an increasingly competitive landscape, SAP Emarsys leverages AI to optimise the entire marketing process—from customer segmentation to campaign execution and performance analysis. AI identifies the most profitable under-served audience segments, representing new opportunities across different life-cycle stages, enabling highly targeted campaigns delivered at the ideal time and through the most effective channels.  

This approach not only uncovers new customer groups but also personalises content and interactions in real time, making one-to-one engagement seamless across multiple platforms. With generative AI, on average, marketers save 2.3 hours on manual tasks in the launch of a typical marketing campaign, allowing them to focus more on driving innovation and revenue growth.  

Recognising that an omnichannel marketing strategy is key to unlocking true loyalty, brands like Ferrera Candy Company and Pizza Hut are making every interaction count by creating personalised, two-way conversations. This results in the consumer’s life stage becoming clearer, and with each future interaction, the brand can better predict the customer’s next needs.  

Customers now recognise the value exchange—when they share information like an email address, or birth date, they expect something meaningful in return, such as loyalty points or VIP perks like early access to new products. The outcome? A superior customer experience that keeps them coming back. 

And marketers are increasingly turning to AI to foster long-term loyalty and reach new audiences. According to recent SAP Emarsys research, two-thirds (66%)* of marketers agree that AI will be crucial for boosting customer engagement in 2024, and half (50%)* have already experienced a rise in engagement after implementing AI-powered personalisation. AI enables brands to stay competitive by quickly adapting to changing customer expectations.  

As Sara Richter, CMO at SAP Emarsys, explains, “It’s clear that consumers today, not just Gen Z, expect more than ‘business-as-usual’—they want meaningful and memorable experiences. The key to delivering that is personalisation for every customer. 

“AI is the only practical solution for providing genuine one-to-one interactions at scale, across every channel, and at the right moment. Brands that embrace AI-powered personalisation are far better equipped to keep customers engaged, especially when attention spans are short, and demands are high. 

“By combining traditional marketing strategies with the advanced capabilities of predictive and generative AI, we’re empowering marketers to create exceptional experiences. For instance, our AI Product Finder seamlessly turns complex product data into engaging content, while our AI Subject Line Generator takes the guesswork out of crafting compelling headlines.” 

For more on the nuances of customer loyalty, you can find the full fourth Customer Loyalty Index here: 


* Combines those who selected ‘Strongly agree’ and ‘Somewhat agree’ 
Research conducted by Opinion Matters on 2,010 UK respondents aged 16+, collected between 12-17th June 2024. Opinion Matters abides by and employs members of the Market Research Society and follows the MRS code of conduct which is based on the ESOMAR principles.   
Research was conducted by Opinion Matters, among a sample of 252 marketers working in-house in the UK. The data was collected between 22.03.24 – 28.03.24 Opinion Matters abides by and employs members of the Market Research Society and follows the MRS code of conduct and ESOMAR principles. Opinion Matters is also a member of the British Polling Council. 
Research was conducted by Opinion Matters, among a sample of 2,003 general consumers (aged 16+) in the UK. The data was collected between 27.04.2023 – 03.05.2023. Opinion Matters abides by and employs members of the Market Research Society and follows the MRS code of conduct which is based on the ESOMAR principles. Opinion Matters is a member of the British Polling Council. 
About SAP Emarsys 
SAP Emarsys Customer Engagement, is the omnichannel customer engagement platform that empowers marketers to deliver personalized, AI-driven omnichannel campaigns that build loyalty and grow customer lifetime value.
SAP Emarsys partners with global enterprises to fast-moving mid-market brands across dozens of industries. 
SAP Emarsys is purpose-built, empowering marketers to: 
  • Personalize content and deliver real-time relevant engagements on any channel 
  • Use AI-powered insights to drive customer growth 
  • Scale marketing practices through a flexible platform and partner ecosystem 
  • Use AI to scale and refine campaigns, based on first-party data 
  • Build trust, loyalty, and lasting customer relationships  
  • Make smart, quick decisions with data-driven insights and analytics 
  • Produce measurable results that drive predictable and profitable growth 
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Mohammad Zaidi / Imogen Nichols