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AspireHR Cloud Benefits: Reduce Paperwork, Slash Costs, Plant a Tree

Not many of us predicted the environment we’re living in now, with nearly every business meeting held online, people working in their dining rooms amid kids and dogs, or even doctors’ appointments conducted via videoconference. For AspireHR, however, the pandemic has accelerated a trend that has been obvious for some time.

“The world of HR has been on a journey toward digital transformation, and that sped up 100 miles per hour overnight,” said Brian Collett, vice president of Product Management for AspireHR. “Everything has completely changed. Employees used to learn about their benefits during lunch-and-learn sessions and posters around the office. Now no one is there.”

Silver Lining in the Cloud

But while positive aspects of the situation are hard to find, both employers and employees are looking at a silver lining when it comes to benefits administration. Everyone is going mobile, giving employees easier access to the benefits information they need, with clearer guidance, and enabling employers to simplify processes, eliminate errors, and reduce costs.

They are gaining those results thanks to AspireHR Cloud Benefits, an app available on SAP App Center. AspireHR Cloud Benefits is a mobile enrollment, communications, and management solution that integrates in real time with the SAP Payroll Processing and SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central Payroll solutions – in on-premise, hybrid, and cloud models. Employers can deliver complex information about benefits via this easy-to-use app, which includes built-in instructions and educational tools.

Clear Communication and Transparency

Employees can find the information they need quickly and get a clear picture not only of their benefits, but the cost to the company.

“Most employees have no idea of the price tag on their benefits,” Collett explained. “This level of transparency enables employers to convey the overall value of the benefits package to an employee’s individual compensation. The app thereby becomes an important means of employee engagement.” Not surprisingly, he noted, the app is best-suited for companies with complex benefits enrollment processes in countries where employer-based health insurance is offered: the U.S. and Canada.

And cutting the escalating overhead cost of benefits administration is where employers are making the most tangible gains, as AspireHR Benefits Cloud enables them to automate processes and helps eliminate paperwork. Employers are spending more than ever on healthcare, Collett remarked, with a more than 200% increase over the past 20 years driving the imperative for cost control.

The Vision: Simplify HR Processes

Collett should know. He joined AspireHR in 2004 not long after its founding, after working on HR product development for SAP South East Asia for several years prior.

“At the outset, AspireHR pursued a vision for a putting customers first with solutions that would simplify processes and delight employees, and that has not changed,” he recalled. AspireHR has recently rolled out a new brand, logo, and tagline, “Employees first,” which reflect the company’s spirit and those of its customers.

The company fosters a “trust-based environment” that extends to its partnership with SAP, Collett added. AspireHR is a loyal, longtime SAP partner, and the people he works with at SAP are “the best ever.” They have worked closely together for years on product integration, encompassing single sign-on, user experience, and secure access to business processes and employee data.

It seems to me as though AspireHR has a history of being at the right place at the right time, although that is probably more by strategy than serendipity. AspireHR was there when SAP was launching SAP Cloud Platform and the online partner marketplace now known as SAP App Center, becoming early adopters of both.

Given the success of AspireHR Cloud Benefits in helping companies eliminate paperwork, it is fitting that SAP commits to planting a tree with every new purchase on SAP App Center. I encourage you to save – and plant – a tree by trying AspireHR Cloud Benefits for yourself. Check it out here.

Anne Yi is the general manager of SAP App Center.

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