
Today’s changing business environment has put many organizations on uneasy footing, experiencing increased costs, supply chain challenges, and unpredictable demand. Accordingly, businesses are looking for a more strategic approach to leveraging technology, one that accelerates innovation, brings data sources and processes together, and provides early visibility into shifting landscapes. The end goal? To move from operating in a reactionary business model to a proactive model that focuses on sustained growth.

As SAP partners have accelerated their adoption of SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP), they’ve also identified new revenue streams as they accelerate their customers’ transitions to the cloud – leveraging its cloud services to help improve business process efficiencies as well as provide a single source of truth and an end-to-end view of operations with real-time visibility into company performance.

Let’s take a closer look at how customers, working with SAP partners and through SAP BTP, have been able to proactively reduce unexpected downtime, innovate with real-time data, and enhance their own customers’ experience – evolving from a reactionary business model to one of growth.

Leveraging SAP BTP to Reduce Customer Unexpected Downtime

Motor Oil Group, an industry leader in crude oil refining and the sales of petroleum products across Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean region, sought SAP partner Accenture’s help in launching a predictive maintenance pilot that could reduce unexpected and costly shutdowns of critical refinery equipment – a key business goal.

Working with Accenture, Motor Oil Group launched a successful predictive maintenance pilot on SAP BTP, which provides a complete view of Motor Oil Group’s refinery equipment. This gives the company a holistic view, leveraging real-time data to inform critical business decisions, from building predictive models for abnormal events based on sensor data to providing results through user-friendly dashboards and e-mail notifications. With the combined power of SAP HANA Cloud, SAP Extension Suite, and SAP Analytics Cloud, Motor Oil Group experienced a 77% increase in explaining abnormal events, 120 to 20 hours in advance of downtime.

Delivering Insights through Real-Time Data

Our partners are also monetizing SAP BTP with outcomes that help customers rapidly innovate with data. For example, through working with Bourne Digital, SunRice, an Australian consumer products company, realized more value from its investment in SAP solutions by extending existing systems and adding additional capabilities as well as integrating external data sources using SAP BTP. With a new portal and a harvest dashboard, the company was able to give its community of rice growers more control over their decision-making by providing data visualization for harvest moisture, trash, and dry weight, providing quick and easy tracking of key functions.

Having access to data is critical, but without the ability to interpret that data, organizations fail to optimize their strategy. One of our customers and a European market leader in graphic recycled paper, Steinbeis Papier GmbH, put that into practice using SAP BTP to quickly turn its factory sensor information into insight, allowing the company to gain strategic and operational benefits. With help from avato consulting AG, Steinbeis Papier established one source of data truth, consolidating its IT and operations system environments. By using digital assistants for production monitoring and alerting along with self-service tools to access business intelligence, the company created real-time dashboards on the production line.

SAP BTP Enables Partners to Deliver a Stronger Customer Experience

SAP BTP partners can develop their own IP and bring value to end customers to enhance the customer experience by delivering future-ready portals for business-to-business (B2B) customers. This is exactly what our partner delaware was able to do. With multiple customer wins under its belt, delaware has demonstrated the power of SAP BTP in simplifying processes and achieving great business results. For example, a customer supplying blood pressure monitors was struggling to manually supply each patient with their serial number. To solve for this, delaware created a one-time-use business-to-consumer (B2C) portal. The portal is now the centerpiece of a completely digitized process that allows the patient to submit their serial number and keep everything logged in one place, without the need for e-mail communication.

Similarly, Adverity assisted a leading technology communications customer, Vodafone, in strengthening its marketing campaign data to realize rapid results. With issues linking online prospect activities with lead, sales, and activation data, Vodafone used SAP BTP to provide secure and tailored data access for different levels of stakeholders. By automating and streamlining its data operations, Vodafone gained a new way of getting the insights needed to strengthen its marketing capabilities and offer more valuable insights to stakeholders.

SAP BTP enables our partners to create monetization opportunities to add value and introduce their own IP as they solve their customers’ most pressing business issues and drive innovation. We’ve seen many partners leverage SAP BTP’s data-driven predictive analytics to lower costs and address potential problems before they even occur, and we’re excited by the new use cases our partners are delivering to their customers through SAP BTP.

Learn more about how our partners, with SAP BTP, are helping customers to accelerate innovation, bring data sources and processes together, provide early visibility into shifting landscapes, and adopt a more proactive business model focused on growth.

Camilla Dahlen is global vice president of SAP BTP Monetization for SAP Partner Ecosystem Success.