We invite SAP professionals and experts to share their expertise, insights, and experiences at SAPHILA 2023. Come join us on 10-11 July 2023 at Sun City to exchange ideas, share knowledge, and network with industry leaders.

We are looking for original, high-quality success stories addressing current trends and challenges in the industry.   Submissions can be made online at CALL FOR PAPERS. All papers will be reviewed and selected by the SAPHILA Steercom, led by Reg Barry and Andrew Strachan. Emphasis will be placed on customer success stories and knowledge sharing, and we will not consider direct sales pitches.

Diamond and Platinum Sponsors will be given a speaking slot at the conference. The selected papers will be presented and included in the conference proceedings. A 50% discount on conference fees and 1 night free accommodation will be offered to speakers.

Submit your papers and tell us your story before the deadline on 28 April 2023 at 12h00.

We look forward to your submissions and to seeing you at SAPHILA 2023. For any questions, please contact Amanda.gibbs@afsug.com.