SAP Sweden Nyheter

Building a sustainable world together needs collaboration – and technology

A summer greeting from the shores of the Baltic and North Seas and a big thank you to our customers and partners for your trust and for making a real difference with us in the SAP Nordic & Baltic team! 2023 stands in the sign of acting on green transformation of business – the green line, as we say. It’s about company action to create and conduct sustainable business, from people to environmental health. Building a sustainable world together needs collaboration – and technology.

We’ve taken a big leap in the past few months, and so have our customers. So, take a bite of sustainably farmed salmon from Nordlaks for your summer bbq. And if you plan to visit a concert of Coldplay in Nordic during summer, here’s how the band’s concept for its visitors is a great exemplar of sustainable entertainment.

As a company, we’re showing proof with new solutions to bring actionability into where impacts arise and can be reduced across the value and supply chain. We’re convinced that the SAP Green Ledger  will become the standard how real impacts are measured, analyzed and then forcefully improved. Because making real progress on sustainability requires real data.

Within our SAP Nordic & Baltic team, we’ve upped our work for diversity and inclusion, mental health, initiated sustainability teams in and outside work. We’re partnering with MIELI Finland to secure work readiness and destigmatize mental illness among young people.

We’re also proud to pay it forward by concrete actions to improve the health of the Baltic and North Seas, our home oceans that are close to our hearts. With great personal engagement, we’re contributing to clean up Norwegian fjords with Fjord CleanUP and together with Coalition Clean Baltic CCB – Homepage protect the Baltic Sea.

We wish you all a wonderful summertime and feel free to join us heading for real sustainable shores in autumn!

by Helle Dochedahl, Managing Director SAP Nordic & Baltic

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