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Forrester Consulting Study Shows How SAP MaxAttention Supported Better, Faster Cloud Adoption

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If you’re embarking on cloud migration, you already know that it’s a journey. You’d never set out on a long road trip without some advance planning and a mapping app. And if you’re venturing into an unknown area, you might need an experienced guide to help you anticipate what’s around the corner and stay ready for the unexpected.

Navigating your cloud journey isn’t so different. Every organization is unique, so you have to forge your own distinct path to the cloud, backed by experts who have been down the road before.

SAP MaxAttention lets you do just that, giving you access to a team of experts who can help you plan in advance and provide skillful guidance along the way. But cloud success is about more than just a smooth journey. It’s about achieving real business outcomes, so you can succeed at the speed of business. To measure the success of the SAP MaxAttention program, we commissioned a Forrester Consulting study titled “The Total Economic Impact™ of SAP MaxAttention for Cloud Adoption.”

Forrester Consulting interviewed 10 professionals at seven companies using SAP MaxAttention, considering cloud migration issues such as costs, benefits, and risks. Then, to model the results, Forrester brought together the participants’ experiences and combined the results into a single composite organization – a global enterprise entity with revenue of US$25 billion per year. After analyzing the data, Forrester concluded that SAP MaxAttention delivered an impressive three-year financial impact throughout the cloud journey.

Starting Strong with Business Planning

Planning is the first step in every cloud journey. Even preparing your environment for cloud migration is often difficult. In the Forrester Consulting study, a senior vice president of strategy and value delivery at a food and beverage business explained, “We have a very complex environment because the company has been created after many divestitures. It was kind of a Frankenstein. It’s not a strong template because we have components of many of those companies.”

SAP MaxAttention can support your ability to stay focused on the factors that influence your successful cloud migration, so you can minimize distractions and execute your plan. “If we involve SAP MaxAttention during the planning phase, then we have faster visibility of what our options are,” said the food and beverage executive.

According to the Forrester Consulting study, SAP MaxAttention helped reduce planning time by 25% for the composite company, from four months down to three.

Keeping the Journey on Track

Once the journey is fully underway, the SAP MaxAttention team stays close, offering steady guidance, recommendations, and best practices to help reduce risks for a faster and smoother cloud deployment. The professionals interviewed by Forrester especially liked how SAP experts provided quality assurance over system integrators’ work. Interviewees also outlined how the services helped identify issues early, before they could delay key steps.

“SAP MaxAttention will call out areas of real concerns in your cloud project planning and technical plans,” said a retail participant in the survey. “You can do quite a deep service, and that has often helped highlight or remediate issues on significant cloud solutions before they became real costs to us.” In one case, the retailer’s SAP MaxAttention team identified a performance issue on core systems that could have set migration back by six months.

By reducing disruption risks, helping companies resolve issues faster, and streamlining their processes, SAP MaxAttention saved the composite company 30% in deployment time.

Achieving Cloud Value Faster

Cost is always a concern throughout a cloud journey. But you can keep costs in line by streamlining your project with best practices, a transformation plan, and the right guidance and recommendations. The Forrester survey showed how SAP MaxAttention enabled companies to realize value from cloud solutions earlier.

Having SAP MaxAttention and a dedicated onsite team made a faster timeline possible for a leading cosmetics firm, according to the company’s VP and head of global business transformation. “I think having the right capability with embedded SAP processes contributed to about a 25% reduction in our cloud deployment planning,” the executive added.

The interviewee even said that with one implementation, a project that took three months would have taken 12 months without SAP MaxAttention.

SAP MaxAttention Is Your Guide across the Cloud Journey

The takeaway is clear: as you venture forth into parts unknown, you can trust SAP MaxAttention experts to offer guidance to help make your journey a successful one. Read the full study commissioned by SAP, “The Total Economic Impact™ of SAP MaxAttention for Cloud Adoption,” published in February 2023.

Ulrich Schuppler is global premium engagements manager at SAP.

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